Creative expression is one of the most important ways that we can connect with our inner selves. We offer adult workshops that teach you a creative writing technique designed to get your creative juices flowing.
Workshops are offered in people’s homes, and are organized by you.
From the first group you’ll soon find that you’re better able to express the things that are most important to you. … You might even start writing that book you’ve always wanted to start.
We teach an organic approach to the creative process, a way of finding your deep, authentic voice. The method does not deal with traditional approaches to writing that focus on structure and form. We deal with the inner voice and how it can be used to create unique works of art, true to your own voice and style, true to your own vision and point of view, true to your own life experience.
The weekly group is for both beginners and experienced writers. Finding the deep voice within you, learning to use its tonal dynamics, and the ability to write from the right side of the brain are the most significant skills you can possess as a writer. You will find your true voice, uncover your basic themes and life subjects, and reach your reader with a compelling voice.

Craig Bergman, Founder of Word Up Kids
As a graduate of Cornell University, he’s been on both sides of the high school/college door. He will teach your children a technique that will have them writing essays that leave a lasting impression – without having to pull their hair out.
What Students Are Saying
Craig is an exceptional guide. He relates to and binds together a group of strangers seamlessly, and his writing workshop is careful and conscious (and immensely powerful). It was an honor and a pleasure to have Craig guide a workshop at our workshop series, our entire group was incredibly moved. We can’t wait to have him back!
Craig shed a new direction for me to explore writing using moment to moment work. I found this was extremely liberating, while it also took off the pressure to getting the perfect sentence on the page. When I read my words aloud to the class, I found them to be more powerful because they were rooted in the past reality at the time, which was the moment for each word or thought. There seemed to be a profundity in the simplicity of the exercise. I look forward to learning more from the patient, calm, and experienced Craig.
Craig does an amazing job teaching anyone they can write, even if they never have before. He pushes the boundaries of his students to dig deep. His encouragement has given birth to emotional growth for myself and every student he mentors, allowing us to feel safe sharing our deepest darkest stories amongst our peers.
EMAIL: craig@wordupkids.com
PHONE: (310) 456-4770
MAIL: 169 N. Clark Drive Suite D, Beverly Hills, CA 90211