“Stranded” By a 6th Grade Student

This poem was written in my creative writing class by a young girl with Asperger’s. She’s in the 6th grade, and wishes to remain anonymous. She looks away when I talk, never says a word, and walks out of the room at random intervals without warning. I...

Turning Truth into Art

I’m sitting at a coffee bar sipping some kind of latte, figuring out what to say. It’s Thursday night, October. My kids are at home sleeping, probably next to my wife. I keep holding the clear glass up to catch the light, watching the color change. My old...
Writing is Power

Writing is Power

Writing gives children an experience of their unique power. It gives them an experience of knowing what their special qualities are, and in the process their writing improves. They develop an appreciation for reading. They pay more attention to words and new...
Start Having Fun Writing

Start Having Fun Writing

If you teach writing to students at the 1st – 12th grade levels, you may: ·Want to make writing more fun for your students ·Wish you could make writing process workshops more productive and simple ·Wonder how to challenge your best writing students and motivate...
Movies in Mind

Movies in Mind

Before there were movies, there were books to create movies in our imagination. Learning to write is really a matter of learning to see. The more visual the writing, the more the reader sees pictures popping into their head, and the more they want to...

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