Tips, Updates and News
The Hero’s Journey

The Hero’s Journey

Kids came into class all hopped up on Star Wars today. So I saw them down for a little lesson about Joseph Campbell and the Hero's Journey. Then we explored the theme of light v. dark in our creative writing exercise. May the fourth be with you...

Even a Shimmer of Light

Even a Shimmer of Light

Mac is a 12th grader. He's a student in a creative writing workshop I'm teaching at Olympic High School in Santa Monica. The students in this school have been kicked out of all the other high schools. Olympic is the last stop on the line. I was a little nervous about...

How to Help Kids with Frustration

How to Help Kids with Frustration

Children want to be accepted just the way they are.   They feel loved when adults give them permission to feel their feelings…all the way. When difficult feelings are allowed to flow, they resolve themselves in positive ways. But when they’re denied, they act out...

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Let Your Voice Be Heard

Writing opens a window into your soul, without judgment. I hope you’re having an awesome Fall. For parents who've been asking about creative writing classes for their children, I’m starting a new 6-week “Art of Writing” course on Thursday November 5th, 4-5pm. It will...

Observations of a Summer Day

Observations of a Summer Day

Writing is the painting of the voice. - Voltaire, 1764 Feast your eyes on this lovely painting written in  class this week by a talented young writer about to hit the 9th grade. Ladies & Gentlemen…Kakabel Novak. People Watching at Bouchon "Okay, bud, we'll get the...

Imagine Seeing the Sun for the 1st Time

Imagine Seeing the Sun for the 1st Time

Big Picture By Abby Gail, 7th Grade I walk out the door for the first time. I have never been out the door. I see this bright ball of yellow. It warms my heart, stings my eyes. "Walk closer," I think. I do. The bright ball of yellow is getting bigger. I see steps and...

You Care About Your Kids

You Care About Your Kids

I do, too. The instinct that inspired me to start Word Up Kids is no doubt what motivates you as a parent…a desire to give our kids what we didn’t have growing up. Growing up isn’t easy. Children face intense challenges at every stage. For me, the greatest difficulty...


POSITIVE SELF TALK FOR CHILDREN Creating Personal Power and Self-Esteem Through Written and Spoken Affirmations Tuesdays, July 15th – August 5th from 4-5pm Ages 7-10, 5-6pm Ages 11-13, 6-7pm Teens (Beverly Hills & Brentwood) Self-talk is the talking we do in our...


Neuroscientists say the best way to engage a student's mind is to activate their brain's primary cortices - visual, auditory, language production and motor - simultaneously. In English, this means activating all four of your child's learning modes - seeing, speaking,...

PHONE: (310) 456-4770
MAIL: 169 N. Clark Drive Suite D, Beverly Hills, CA 90211

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